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AWS EKS Multicluster Observability (single AWS Account)

This example shows how to use the AWS Observability Accelerator, with more than one EKS cluster in a single account and visualize the collected metrics from all the clusters in the dashboards of a common Amazon Managed Grafana workspace.


1. EKS clusters

Using the example eks-cluster-with-vpc, create two EKS clusters with the names:

  1. eks-cluster-1
  2. eks-cluster-2

2. Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) workspace

We recommend that you create a new AMP workspace. To do that you can run the following command.

Ensure you have the following necessary IAM permissions

  • aps.CreateWorkspace
export TF_VAR_managed_prometheus_workspace_id=$(aws amp create-workspace --alias observability-accelerator --query='workspaceId' --output text)

3. Amazon Managed Grafana (AMG) workspace

To run this example you need an AMG workspace. If you have an existing workspace, create an environment variable as described below. To create a new workspace, visit our supporting example for managed Grafana.


For the URL, the workspace ID would be g-xyz

export TF_VAR_managed_grafana_workspace_id=g-xxx

4. Grafana API Key

AMG provides a control plane API for generating Grafana API keys. As a security best practice, we will provide to Terraform a short lived API key to run the apply or destroy command.

Ensure you have the following necessary IAM permissions

  • grafana.CreateWorkspaceApiKey
  • grafana.DeleteWorkspaceApiKey
export TF_VAR_grafana_api_key=`aws grafana create-workspace-api-key --key-name "observability-accelerator-$(date +%s)" --key-role ADMIN --seconds-to-live 7200 --workspace-id $TF_VAR_managed_grafana_workspace_id --query key --output text`


1. Download sources and initialize Terraform

git clone
cd terraform-aws-observability-accelerator/examples/eks-multicluster
terraform init

2. Deploy

Verify by looking at the file that there are two EKS clusters targeted for deployment by the names/ids:

  1. eks-cluster-1
  2. eks-cluster-2

The difference in deployment between these clusters is that Terraform, when setting up the EKS cluster behind variable eks_cluster_1_id for observability, also sets up:

  • Dashboard folder and files in Amazon Managed Grafana
  • Prometheus and Java, alerting and recording rules in Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus


To override the defaults, create a terraform.tfvars and change the default values of the variables.

Run the following command to deploy

terraform apply --auto-approve

Verifying Multicluster Observability

One you have successfully run the above setup, you should be able to see dashboards similar to the images shown below in Amazon Managed Grafana workspace.

Note how you are able to use the cluster dropdown to filter the dashboards to metrics collected from a specific EKS cluster.




To clean up entirely, run the following command:

terraform destroy --auto-approve