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Adding kubernetes-mixin dashboards to Managed Grafana

Even as a managed service, EKS still exposes many of the metrics from the Kubernetes control plane. The Prometheus community has put together a series of dashboards to review and investigate these metrics. This document will show you how to install them in an environment hosted by Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus.

The Prometheus mixin project expects prometheus to be installed via the Prometheus Operator, but the Terraform blueprints install the Prometheus agent via the default helm charts. In order for the scraping jobs and the dashboards to line up, we need to update the Prometheus rules and the mixin dashboard configuration, then upload the dashboard to our Grafana instance.


Installing the mixin dashboards

Starting from a fresh Cloud9 instance and using the AWS blueprint for terraform complete addon example as the target EKS cluster as linked in the Prerequisites:

Expand the file system of the Cloud9 instance to at least 20 gb. In the EC2 console, extend the EBS volume to 20 GB thenfrom the Cloud9 shell, run the commands below:

sudo growpart /dev/nvme0n1 1
sudo xfs_growfs -d /

Upgrade awscli to version 2:

sudo yum remove -y awscli
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
ln -s /usr/local/bin/aws /usr/bin/aws

Install prerequisites:

sudo yum install -y jsonnet
go install -a
export PATH="$PATH:~/go/bin"

Download and install the jsonnet libraries for the kubernetes-mixin project:

git clone kubernetes-mixin/
jb install

Edit config.libsonnet and replace the “selectors“ section with the following in order to match the prometheus job names:

 // Selectors are inserted between {} in Prometheus queries.
 cadvisorSelector: 'job="kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor"',
 kubeletSelector: 'job="kubernetes-nodes"',
 kubeStateMetricsSelector: 'job="kubernetes-service-endpoints"',
 nodeExporterSelector: 'job="kubernetes-service-endpoints"',
 kubeSchedulerSelector: 'job="kube-scheduler"',
 kubeControllerManagerSelector: 'job="kube-controller-manager"',
 kubeApiserverSelector: 'job="kubernetes-apiservers"',
 kubeProxySelector: 'job="kubernetes-nodes"',
 podLabel: 'pod',
 hostNetworkInterfaceSelector: 'device!~"veth.+"',
 hostMountpointSelector: 'mountpoint="/"',
 windowsExporterSelector: 'job="kubernetes-windows-exporter"',
 containerfsSelector: 'container!=""',

Build the prometheus rules, alerts, and grafana dashboards:

make prometheus_alerts.yaml
make prometheus_rules.yaml
make dashboards_out

Upload the prometheus rules to managed prometheus. Replace <> with the ID of your managed prometheus instance and <> with the appropriate value

base64 prometheus_rules.yaml > prometheus_rules.b64
aws amp create-rule-groups-namespace --data file://prometheus_rules.b64 --name kubernetes-mixin  --workspace-id <<WORKSPACE-ID> --region <<REGION>>

Download the contents of the ‘dashboard_out’ folder from the Cloud9 environment and upload them using the Grafana web UI.