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AWS EKS Cross Account Observability

This example shows how to use the AWS Observability Accelerator, with two or more EKS clusters in multiple AWS accounts and verify the collected metrics from all the clusters in the dashboards of a common Amazon Managed Grafana workspace in a central monitoring account.


1. Cross Account IAM access

In order to create/modify resources across multiple AWS accounts, this Terraform example implements the cross-account IAM role assumption. You will need separate IAM roles in all 3 AWS accounts, and each of these IAM roles should have the below specified trust-relationship so that your local AWS user/role will be able to assume them during the terraform execution.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "<local-aws-user/role-arn>"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
            "Condition": {}


The IAM roles in Account 1 and Account 2 (EKS cluster accounts) should have permissions to perform kubernetes API operations against your EKS clusters. For more info, please review documentation for enabling IAM principal access to your clusters

2. EKS clusters in multiple AWS Accounts

Using the example eks-cluster-with-vpc, create two EKS clusters with the below names in two different AWS accounts:

  1. eks-cluster-1 (Account 1)

  2. eks-cluster-2 (Account 2)

Update the cluster names and their corresponding region names in the file along with the corresponding IAM role ARNs that can be assumed by terraform to perform cross-account API operations.

3. Amazon Managed Grafana (AMG) workspace

To run this example you need an existing Amazon Managed Grafana (AMG) workspace. If not, you can create a new AMG workspace by following the Getting Started with Amazon Managed Grafana documentation.

Add the Grafana Workspace ID and its corresponding region name in the file along with the corresponding IAM role ARN that can be assumed by terraform to perform cross-account API operations.


You can obtain the AMG Workspace ID based on its URL. For the URL, the workspace ID would be g-xyz


1. Download sources and initialize Terraform

git clone

cd terraform-aws-observability-accelerator/examples/eks-cross-account-with-central-amp

terraform init

2. Deploy

By looking at the, you will notice there are two EKS clusters targeted for deployment by the names/ids:

  1. eks-cluster-1

  2. eks-cluster-2

While installing the observability settings for the EKS cluster specified in variable, Terraform also sets up:

  • Creates an Amazon Managed Prometheus Workspace

  • Dashboard folder and files in provided Amazon Managed Grafana Workspace


To override the defaults, create a terraform.tfvars and change the default values of the variables.

Run the following command to deploy

terraform  apply  --auto-approve

Verifying Multi Account Observability

One you have successfully run the above setup, you should be able to see dashboards similar to the images shown below in Amazon Managed Grafana workspace.

You will notice that you are able to use the cluster dropdown to filter the dashboards to metrics collected from a specific EKS cluster.

eks-cross-account-1 eks-cross-account-2


To clean up entirely, run the following command:

terraform  destroy  --auto-approve